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EOP Events

CAASE graduates at Raza Grad 2024

EOP Student Involvement Expectations

As an EOP student at Sonoma State University, you are REQUIRED to attend at least one event per semester (fall and spring) for each of the following categories, totaling at least three events per semester: 

  • EOP-sponsored Center for Academic Access & Student Enrichment (CAASE) events.
  • Sonoma State University sponsored events.

Please complete the sign-in sheet form below to receive credit for the event you attended. If you need help identifying events to attend, please connect with EOP, they will share a list of events with you. Failure to meet the EOP participation requirement of three events per semester could jeopardize your EOP admissions status and EOP Grant. 

EOP & Seawolf Scholars Graduation Celebration

The EOP and Seawolf Scholars Graduation Celebration recognizes our students' resiliency, hard work, and dedication in achieving this important milestone. This significant milestone is an opportunity to celebrate with family, friends, faculty, staff, donors, community members, and supporters. 

CSU EOP Northern Regional Student Leadership Conference

This annual event brings together CSU-EOP student leaders in the Northern Region (Humboldt, Chico, Sonoma, Sacramento, and Maritime) to develop skills, present workshops, and network with peers. The conference offers sessions on the history of EOP, leadership development activities, and a career pathways workshop.

Northern California Forum for Diversity in Graduate Education

EOP collaborates with campus partners each year to bring students to the California Forum for Diversity in Graduate Education. The forum allows students to explore graduate schools and resources by participating in numerous workshops. SSU student participants may receive transportation to the Grad Forum and lodging at no expense to the student.