EOP Staff Khou Yang-Vigil Director of Equity and Access Programs khou.yangvigil@sonoma.edu 707-664-3525 Shelly Gomez EOP and Seawolf Scholars Manager gomezs@sonoma.edu 707-664-4237 Quinn Prado-Diaz (they/them/elle) EOP Advisor and Summer Bridge Coordinator pradodia@sonoma.edu EOP 707-664-2427 Ignacio Gallegos EOP Advisor and CAASE Scholarship Coordinator gallegoi@sonoma.edu EOP 707-664-2321 Stacie Rodriguez EOP and Seawolf Scholars Advisor rodigusta@sonoma.edu EOP 707-664-2272 Ursula Lopez EOP Admissions Coordinator and Native American Student Specialist lopezu@sonoma.edu EOP (707)664-4117