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Prospective Students

EOP Deadlines

SSU EOP Application Deadlines
TermEOP ApplicationTwo Letters of Recommendation
Spring 2025August 31September 19
Fall 2025January 15January 31

Do you need to submit documents to Sonoma State's EOP? If so, please use the button below to upload documents by the deadline. Thank you!

Upload EOP Documents

EOP Admissions Zoom Drop-In Hours

Need help with your EOP application and/or to-do list items? Please join our EOP Admissions Zoom Drop-In Hours.

Fall 2024 EOP Admissions Drop-In Schedule
Day Time
Monday1 pm - 2 pm
Tuesday3 pm - 4 pm
Wednesday12 pm - 1 pm
Thursday1 pm - 2 pm
Friday3 pm - 4 pm


Join EOP Admissions Zoom Drop-Ins


The Educational Opportunity Program designs, administers, and supports programs that deliver access and retention services to historically low-income and educationally disadvantaged students. An EOP student has the potential to perform satisfactorily in the CSU but has not been able to realize this potential because of economic or educational background. The program provides admission, academic, and financial assistance to EOP-eligible undergraduate students.

Note: To qualify for EOP, an applicant must first be admitted to Sonoma State. 

Income Guidelines  
How to apply to EOP  
Financial Assistance

Who Can Apply?

EOP applicants must be historically low-income, educationally disadvantaged students who need admission assistance and support services to succeed in college. They must demonstrate academic potential, motivation to succeed, and meet the income criteria.

EOP Eligibility Criteria

To be considered for EOP at Sonoma State University, you must meet ALL eligibility requirements:

  • Be an undergraduate student applying to Sonoma State University (graduating high school senior or transfer student)
  • First-generation college student (neither parent has a four-year bachelor's degree from a U.S. institution)
  • Historically low-income (meet EOP income guidelines)
  • Be a California resident (have lived in California for at least three years and have a high school diploma or equivalent or an associate's degree) *** Undocumented students can qualify for EOP

How to Apply to SSU

The fall 2025 application opens on October 1. Start your application at Cal State Apply.

How to apply to SSU

SSU Deadlines


Impacted Majors

Non-Impacted Majors

Sending Transcripts

Application Guides