How to Apply
How to Apply
The Educational Opportunity Program at Sonoma State University requires completion of the CSU application, including the completion of the supplemental EOP questions and the submission of two letters of recommendation.
The application is available at Cal State Apply.
The EOP application is included in the Cal State application. When filling out personal information, an applicant will need to select "Yes" in response to the question "Do you wish to apply through the Educational Opportunity Program?" This will generate the EOP application questions. Each question must be answered. The application also requires two letters of recommendation. An applicant can send the recommendation form to a recommender by selecting the Supporting Information tile on Cal State Apply and filling out the requested information.
EOP Application Checklist
Start the CSU application at Cal State Apply.
On the CSU application, check "yes" to the question, ”Do you wish to apply through the Educational Opportunity Program?”
Complete and submit the CSU and EOP application online.
Follow up with recommenders to confirm your recommendation letters have been submitted.
SSU’s EOP priority deadline is December 15. The application including recommendation forms must be complete by then.
SSU’s EOP application regular deadline is January 15. The EOP electronic letters of recommendation are due January 31.
Remember to separately complete the Free Application for Free Student Aid (FAFSA) or California DREAM Act application by March 2.
EOP Supplemental Application
The purpose of the form is to gather the information that will help us make an accurate assessment of your eligibility and interest in EOP at Sonoma State University. We will not process your EOP application until we receive your EOP Supplemental Application. Please check the email you used to apply to SSU for more information and deadlines. Complete the electronic EOP Supplemental Application as soon as possible, as EOP slots get filled on a first-come,first-serve basis. Forms received after the deadline will diminish your consideration for EOP at Sonoma State.
If you have any difficulties submitting or accessing the form, please email, or call 707-664-2374. After we receive your completed electronic aupplemental Application, the EOP admissions coordinator will review it. Please let us know by email if you are no longer interested in the EOP program at Sonoma State University.
Admissions Resources
EOP Fall 2025 Application Deadlines
SSU EOP Fall Admissions Process
SSU EOP Spring Admissions Process